Fort Mill seeks your input into trails

The Town of Fort Mill welcomes your input into a future trails network via this online survey: - by November 30, 2022. The goal of this Trail Master Plan is…


BPC Member Helps Connect Transportation and Health

BPC member and transit consultant, Steve Yaffe, presented "Connecting Transportation and Health: A Guide to Communication and Collaboration" at BPC's July meeting. He hopes to facilitate partnerships between health and transportation advocates and professionals. He also is advocating for transportation projects to include public health and equity perspectives, and public health projects to include transportation and equity.

Read more about the article Advocacy Success Story: Sidewalk to Connect Schools and Neighborhoods
Plan for Whites Road Sidewalk

Advocacy Success Story: Sidewalk to Connect Schools and Neighborhoods

July 1, 2021 (York County, SC) Community members speaking up, and working together, can influence decisionmakers to recognize problems and find solutions. One mother’s petition highlighted what many Fort Mill parents were worried about – they moved into new neighborhoods within walking distance of five schools, but their children didn’t have a continuous sidewalk to walk, bike or roll there safely.

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Planners Working to Transport Us “Beyond I-77”

In the Bike/Ped Coalition's May meeting, guest speakers discussed the Beyond 77 initiative. They are designing transportation options for the I-77 corridor through Rock Hill, and need public input by May 15 - particularly related to active transportation!