The RFATS 2055 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) update process is underway. (Here’s a copy of the 2050 Plan published June 2021).
Bike/Ped Connectivity Plan
As part of that, the RFATS Bicycle and Pedestrian Connectivity Plan is being updated and outreach efforts will begin shortly! The consultant will be communicating directly with the BPC (hopefully at our Sept. 4 meeting) so please stay tuned to have input.
In particular, they want to hear from us about gaps in the regional network (look at slide). Where do we need bike lanes; shared paths; multi-use paths? How can we better link to York County bike planes across the RFATS planning area?
Public Meetings
RFATS is hosting public meetings in which they explain the LRTP update process and seek public feedback as presented in this PowerPoint:
- Late Aug/early Sept. Date TBD, Lancaster County
- Late Aug/early Sept. Date TBD, Lake Wylie Area
- Wednesday, July 31, 2024, 1-2:30pm, virtually
- Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 6-7:30pm, at the Rock Hill Operations Center,
- Thursday, July 18, 2024, 6-7:30pm, at Unity Presbyterian Church
People may also email comments to the RFATS Director (via email or telephone).
Output from these meetings will be reviewed at the RFATS Policy Committee October 25, 2024, noon workshop – and you can provide public comments there too.
LRTP Description
The LRTP is the central transportation planning document that covers a 20-25 year period outlining the needs, preferences and priorities for the RFATS Area (the cities of Tega Cay and Rock Hill, the Town of Fort Mill, the Catawba Nation, the eastern urbanized portion of York County (Lake Wylie Area), and the Lancaster County panhandle.
LRTP Purpose
As a federally mandated Metropolitan Planning Organization, RFATS periodically updates the LRTP to reflect current and emerging transportation priorities across the planning area. This notice of public participation and opportunity for public review / comments will satisfy the MPO Public Participation Plan and FTA’s Program of Project Requirements for the Urbanized Area Formula Program (Section 5307).