Regular monthly meeting

Date(s) - 12/02/2020
9:00 am - 10:00 am


On Wednesday, December 2, at 9am, you are invited to join us for our regular monthly (virtual) meeting.


  1. Welcome
  2. Roundtable
  3. Advocacy updates
  4. 2021 Planning
  5. Website updates / opportunities
  6. Meeting schedule

We presently are meeting virtually, via Zoom. Contact Liz Duda or Ben Ullman to be added to the BPC distribution list and receive the log-in details directly.

About the Bike/Ped Coalition of York County

  • Vision – An engaged York County where bicycling and walking are safe, accessible and preferred forms of transportation and recreation
  • Purpose – Educate, advocate, and promote the health, economic, environmental and social benefits of bicycling and walking.
  • Strategy – Educate, advocate, and promote the health, economic, environmental and social benefits of bicycling and walking by:
    1) Sharing, generating and validating ideas and information amongst government and non-governmental groups on bike/ped efforts, successes and challenges in York County.
    2) Equipping York County residents with information to advocate for safer, accessible bicycling, walking and running. Much of this information is available on our Action Plan.
    3) Engaging decisionmakers and community members throughout York County on the health, economic, environmental and social benefits of bicycling and walking.
  • Website
  • Facebook pageBike/Ped Coalition of York County @BPCYC
  • Meetings – We meet the first Wednesday of each month – on odd months we meet at noon and host a guest speaker; on even months we meet at 9am.

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Regular monthly meeting

Date(s) - 12/02/2020
9:00 am - 10:00 am



Join us for our monthly meeting.

Agenda: TBD


The BPC has set up this 2021 meeting schedule. We have created Zoom log-in info (call-in option also available) but will resume in-person meetings when practicable.

BPC 2021 Meeting Schedule (First Wednesdays of the Month)

Odd Months – 12pm, with Guest Speaker
Even Months – 9am, Regular Business
January 6 – Amy Johnson Ely, Palmetto Cycling Coalition
February 3
March 3 – guest speaker TBD
April 7
May 5 – guest speaker TBD
June 2
July 7 – guest speaker TBD
August 4
September 1 – guest speaker TBD
October 6
November 3 – guest speaker TBD
December 1
Meeting ID: 968 2161 4917
Passcode: 440933
Or use one-tap mobile
Or dial by telephone
+1 301 715 8592 or +1 646 558 8656

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