Some upcoming learning opportunities have been brought to our attention this week, so we wanted to share them with you.
From America Walks, this January 26th webinar aims to inform attendees about how their communities can capitalize on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

“The infrastructure bill passed – now where does the money go, what are the rules, and how do we get it spent on the good stuff? We’re convening the experts to let you know the types of federal grant programs that cities, towns and local advocates should be looking at, and how to influence your state DOT to spend its flexible money better.”
Register for the webinar here.

Strong Towns is hosting a series of 10 sessions which “will equip you with the tools you need to take action and set your community on a path towards resilience and success”. Topics include zoning, infrastructure, streets, and funding sources. See more info and get onboard (Choo! Choo!) at